Thursday, September 20, 2007

Terence Mckenna - May he rest in peace


  1. easy buddy, you know i skimmed through your site loads of times.

    Its all good man.

    old terence and his timewave zero, what do you think about it buddy?

    i mean would you try to contact 'aliens' through drugs?

  2. Thanks for taking a look,

    I'll have to take a look at this myself ie., get that software, before I take it for granted (it is a very "novel" theory) but it sounds about right.

    There is definitely a common thread that enables older cultures to independently arrive at this date, and if we were to keep looking, we would probably find even more things that seem to arrive at the same conclusion as the mayans and others.

    As for contacting 'aliens', who knows? If Entheogen mindspace is a common psychic realm where beings may interact and communicate at will, then there would probably be a shitload of white noise (think every hippy in the universe trying to 'tune in' at the same time) and interference.

    Chances are that if you wanted to have a specific interaction, you'd have to have some kind of hailing frequency, and if any aliens spoke to you, it would just be for a laugh.
    Imagine what aliens find funny. They probably have a worse sense of humour than the Americans.
    Plus they could well be as wasted as you are.

    Maybe if you want to talk to aliens, you have to come right out and say it rather than wait for them to come to you. Hey, maybe it's worth a go!
    Any aliens out there want a chat, just drop me a line at my email address, look forward to hearing from you!

    I'll let you know that develops, mate.(it's worth a try).

    Catch you later

